Graduation season is upon us!

Once the diploma is received, the celebrations are over, and the cap and gown is put away, then comes the REAL WORLD! Although this time can be exciting, it can be equally overwhelming and scary to pursue your first real career. Give yourself or your new graduate an edge on rocking out on their first interviews. Here’s a start with some professional communication tips. And don’t forget, gift your graduate the unique and valuable present of a Professional Communication Coaching Session(s)! They will be thanking you for years to come!
Interview Tips for the New Graduate
Tip #1: Be Open with Your Body Language.
Closed body language: crossing arms in front of chest, hiding hands under desk/behind back,
holding an object
Open body language: Show & use your hands to greet, gesture, emphasize
Why: Creates openness and trust and increases perception of confidence
Tip #2: Smile
Cold: Greeting & engaging in small talk with a flat affect
Warm: Smiling & looking interested
Why: Showing that you are warm is important to demonstrate that you are an approachable person
Tip #3: Be Concise
More: Repeating your point several times or adding excessive details
Less: Keep your responses to the point & on topic
Why: Allows the interviewer to listens to your idea with ease & demonstrates communication
proficiency in converting your ideas into words
Tip #4: Pause
Fast: When speaking fast, you are more likely to have "filler words" (i.e., "um" "like" etc).
Slow: Take a pause or a breath to reduced the amount of filler words, as well as to
increase the quality of your voice.
Why: Clear voice and fluent speech increases your credibility
Tip #5: Eye Contact
Too Much: Excessively staring at one person or not breaking eye contact.
Too Little: Looking down, away, or at irrelevant items in the room.
Why: Having an appropriate amount of eye contact increases your trustworthiness
